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The Apprentice

The Apprentice

Victor Von Doom

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) In40
I) Am50
P) Am50

Health: 120 Karma: 140
Resources: Am Pop: 40

Known Powers:
Hyper-Invention: Mn
Mind Transferal: Doom can trigger his Am ability with anyone in 3 areas of him who makes eye contact with him. Targets get to make a Psyche FEAT vs. Am to resist power.
Magic: Doom is an adept sorceror, trained by Dr. Strange.
-Crimsom Bands of Cyttorak: Rm
-Dimension Travel: Limited to Mephisto's Realm at Ty, but he needs at least an Ex rank aid to break though dimensional barriers.
-Eldritch Bolts: Am
-Eldritch Shield: Rm, 1 area
-Summoning: Gd
-Air-Walking: In
Mental Abilities: The Apprentice has shown that he is very adept at using psychic abilities such as the following:
-Telepathy: Un
-Telekinesis: Un
-Illusion Casting: Un
Reality Manipulation: Am, The Apprentice appears to have reality-altering abilities similar to The Marquis of Death but unlike his Master is still learning how to gain mastery over those skills.

Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical, Am protection vs. Energy including Heat, Cold, Radiation, Electricity and Lasers
Staff: The Appretice's Staff gives him the following abilities:
-Teleportation: Un ability to teleport both himself and The Marquis of Death to and from anywhere in The Multiverse as well as being able to open portals to other time periods
-Force Field: Un, Doom cannot attack while the force field is active.

Talents: Electronics, Engineering, Physics, Robotics, Weapon & Energy Systems, Spacecraft Technolgy, Superhuman Physiology

Contacts: The Marquis of Death