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Erin Cicero

F RM (30)
A IN (40)
S EX (20)
E UN (100)
R PR (4)
I PR (4)
P FB (2)

Health: 190 Karma: 10
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Electric Body: Axon’s body is now primarily made of electromagnetic power. This gives her the following power stunts:
-Electrical Generation: In Electrical, up to 3 areas away
-Force Field: Axon can generate a bioelectric field, that gives her In protection against Physical and Energy
-Flight: Rm airspeed (15 areas/round)
-Bio-Vampirism: Axon loses one Health point per turn. She must feed on the electrical energy contained within the body of human beings. She regains a number of Health points equal to a victim's Endurance. To drain a victim, she must make a Fighting FEAT roll and be able to overcome an opponent's resistance to Electrical energy damage. She is able to drain up to 40 points per round. She also absorbs the knowledge of the victim, raising her Reason to a level one less than that of the smartest victim. She also absorbs the inherent (natural) abilities of her victims when she has drained them completed. However, she also absorbs their respective weaknesses as well.
-Phasing: Rm ability to become intangible.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Axon suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, causing her at times to believe she is back in Symkaria during her military duties, where she was the sole survivor of an ambush that killed the rest of her squad. When in combat, she must make a green Psyche FEAT. Failing the FEAT, means she believes she is back in Symkaria, and any civilians around her are potential insurgent forces.

Talents: Guns, Military

Contacts: Gamma Corps: Black