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Henry “Hank” McCoy

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 100 Karma: 60
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Feet: Beast can use his feet as a second set of hands. +1cs when wrestling
Climbing: Ex
Leaping: Am, Beast is capable of the following power stunts:
-"Banked Shot": Rm dodging when making an In charge attack
Lightning Speed: Ex, he must make a successful Endurance FEAT roll (modified by -1cs for every round of contiguous sprinting) or suffer -1cs in all actions taken during the round he stops.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Ty
Acute Senses: Rm Sight, Hearing and Smell, plus Tracking.
Magic: Taking Stephen Strange's advice, Hank decided to delve into magic and many of its practices. Dabbling in the mystic arts has granted Beast with an odd new beast form, one in which he can channel immense amounts of magical powers through. He has used the following spells:
-Banishment: Ex, this spell will only work on extradimensional beings such as demons. This spell causes the target to be transported its home dimension. The target cannot return to the dimension from which it was banished, unless either Beast lifts the spell, or the target has the means to break it.
-Teleportation: Am, affects self and all targets within the same area
-Time Travel: Pr ability to affect up to five targets including himself. Beast is not able to travel to the past of his own timeline, although the past timelines he can travel to may be so similar as to be virtually indistinguishable.
-Portal Creation: Rm
-Demonic Transformation: Beast’s transformation grants him with the following:
--Enhanced Stats: +1cs to Strength
--Claws: Rm Edge
--Fear: His form also causes Fear against his opponents, as per the spell (targets who fail a Psyche resist effects roll are at -2cs for all actions; after three rounds the target may make one more roll per round to resist).
--Magical Boost: +1cs to all spells preformed
--Growth: (Permanent) Fe

Third Eye of Horus: This item is a magical mask bestowed to Hank by Doctor Strange. Donning the mask gives the wearer the following:
-True Sight: Un
-Extradimensional Detection: Un
-Wielding the mask requires a successful Psyche FEAT roll; a failure (White) result will cause the bearer to pass out for 1-10 rounds. Users of the mask who have a Psyche of Good or lower need to make a Psyche FEAT roll for every successive use equal to their Psyche power rank (i.e., a user with a Gd Psyche rank of 10 will need to roll after every 10 uses, a user with Ty rank of 6 will need to roll after every 6 uses, etc.). A failure (white) result causes the user to lose 1 column of Psyche; at Sh-0, the user is considered to have complete loss of sanity and thus nonfunctional. This side-effect is due to the user becoming aware of normally undetectable extradimensional horrors.

Talents: Bio-Chemistry, Electronics, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Multi-Lingual: (English, Latin, French)

Contacts: X-Men

Beast's Last Uniform

Beast's Demonic Form