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Beast (Pestilence Version)

Henry “Hank” McCoy

F) In40
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Ex20
R) Fe2
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 170 Karma: 32
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Feet: Beast can use his feet as a second set of hands. +1cs when wrestling
Climbing: Rm
Leaping: Am, Beast can perform the following power stunts:
-Banked Shot: Allows Beast to bounce off several walls unharmed before hitting an opponent. Rm Dodging in this attack form; strikes for Rm Charging
Lightning Speed: Ex, Endurance FEAT each round to avoid –1cs on abilities when he stops
Balance: Can fall up to 30 feet and land on his feet without taking damage
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy


Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Martial Arts C

Contacts: X-Men, Avengers, X-Factor