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Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Tanya Sealy

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ty6
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Am50

Health: 28 Karama: 62
Resources: Ty Pop: -3

Known Powers:
Darkforce Manipulation: Mamba has the ability to project a cloud of Darkforce. She can telepathically scan the mind of someone within 2 areas for a single image, the image of some trusted friend or companion, usually of the opposite sex. She then projects an inky cloud of Darkforce as an illusion of that friend or companion and directs the illusion to embrace the target. The illusion is of In intensity. The target may resist with a Psyche FEAT vs. In intensity. Failure allows the Darkforce illusion to approach and embrace the character. The Darkforce grips with Ex strength, and reduces the character's Endurance by 1 rank at the end of each round. If the character's Endurance drops below Fe, they die. A Psyche FEAT should be allowed each round to try and realize what is happening and try to break free.
-Bombardment of the Darkforce projection by energy attacks related to heat or light will disrupt the illusion and require Mamba to roll on the Stun Table.

Snakes: To make up for her lack of physical prowess, Mamba adorns her garb with four poisonous snakes, each with the following stats:
-F) Ty6
-A) Pr4
-S) Fe2
-E) Ty6
Health: 18
-The snakes automatically attack anyone who touches Mamba for Pr Edge and inject a poison which will knock its victims out for 1-10 rounds unless an End. FEAT is made vs. Ty intensity.

Talents: Performer: (Dancing)

Contacts: Serpent Society