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Jackie Lukus

F) Mn75/Ty6
A) Ex20/Ty6
S) Am50/Ty6
E) Un100/Ty6
R) Gd10/Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ex20/Ty6

Health: 245/24 Karma: 36/18
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Asgardian Form: By wielding the Executioner's enchanted Asgardian axe, its wielder is transformed into the superhuman Bloodaxe, increasing the wielder's size and mass while flooding the body with magical energy, giving them the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical, Gd protection vs. Energy
-Resistances: Ex resistance to Cold, In resistance to Heat
-Enhanced Vision: In

Bloodaxe: Un material, Am Edge, The evil that remained within the axe also takes partial possession of the wielder's mind, warping its personality and making it murderously aggressive, overpowering its rationality with a lust for combat, vengeance, and bloodshed. The Bloodaxe is capable of performing the following power stunts:
-Dimensional Aperture: the executor could cut through dimensional barriers and also let through the heat of the Sun (CL1000) or the cold of the Void (Mn).
-The Axe could disrupt magical disuises and illsusions.
-Alter Ego: the user was separated from the axe for more than 60 seconds, they would lose their enchanted form and revert to their original mortal identity, much like the enchantment once placed on Mjolnir by Odin.

Talents: Weapon Specialist: (Bloodaxe)

Contacts: None