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Brother Voodoo

Brother Voodoo

Jericho Drumm

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 42 Karma: 90
Resources: Ty Pop: 30 in Haiti, 0 anywhere else

Known Powers:
Magic: Brother Voodoo is a Master of Voodoo, has the following magical abilities:
Personal Spells:
-Trance - Immunity to Fire: (Automatic)
-Summon: Brother Voodoo can summon the specter of his deceased brother, Daniel, from its dwelling place within Brother Voodoo’s body. By doing so he increases his Strength to Ex and his Health to 56. He can also send his brother’s spirit form, like an astral ities. No known time limit exists which restricts how long Daniel can remain outside his brother’s body. When Daniel ceases inhabitation of a person other than his brother, the host may suffer disorientation, nausea or trauma. Disorientation involves a -1CS to the host’s Fighting, Reason, and Psyche abilities for 1-10 rounds.
-All other Personal spells he may use are of an Ex power rank.
Universal Spells:
-Mental Control (Limited): Rm
-Mesmerism (All Animals): Mn, only one creature at a time.
-Mesmerism (Plants): Rm, only one plant at a time.
-Nature Control (Fire): In
-Vapours of Obscurity: Rm, Brother Voodoo’s obscuring vapors, appearing in the form of smoke, are always accompanied by the sound of voodoo drums. This sound has a disorienting effect on others (Fighting, Reason, and Psyche abilities all suffer a -1 CS in the area of this power).


Talents: Psychology

Contacts: None