Captain America
Sam Wilson
F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6
Health: 100 Karma: 26
Resources: Ty Pop: 20
Known Powers:
Animal Communication/Control (Birds): In ability with Redwing, Ex ability with other birds.
Bird's Eye View: Ex ability to "see" through the eyes of a bird within 15 area radius
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
Mask: The lenses in Captain America's mask can allow him to do the following:
-Magnification: Ex
-360 Degree Vision: Allows Captain America to see in a 360-degree vision field via remote imaging sensors with Rm ability
Vibranium Wings: Mn material, After his Hard Light Wings were destroyed, Falcon had Tony Stark create Vibranium Wings. They provide him with the following abilities:
-Flight: In airspeed, when in flight he counts as having Am Agility
-Wing Shield: Captain America is able to block up to 90 points of damage by using his wings as a shield. However, Captain America cannot fly if they are used as shields.
Shield: CL3000 material, he can use it to block up to 90 damage from an attack, but he is still subject to Stuns and Slams. He can also throw it up to 3 areas for Rm damage and he can attack up to 3 people with a successful Agility FEAT (Mn) or 5 with a Yellow FEAT. By bouncing it of a number of hard surfaces, he can make the shield return to him the next round. It can do up to In Blunt when in his hands, and Rm Edge depending on how he chooses to strike with it.
Talents: Martial Arts: A, E, Acrobatics, Aerial Combat (+1CS Fighting and Agility)
Contacts: The Avengers, Steve Rogers, Misty Knight, D-Man