Captain Britain
Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock
F) Am50
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Un100
Health: 160 Karma: 140
Resources: Ex Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Telekinesis: Un, Betsy is able to perform the following power stunts with her telekinesis:
-Blastwave/Shockwave: Un
-Floating Disk: Able to carry up to 8-10 people
-Leaping: In
-Disruption on a quantum level
-Martial Striking: Am
-Kinetic Control: Un Paralysis/Momentum
-Force Field Generation: Un, can perform the following power stunts:
--Force Field with Micro-Environment: Am Containment/Entrapment
-Force Attack: In
-Psychic Weaponry: Un, Able to cut through up to Un material
-Flight: Sh-X airspeed
Telepathy: Mn ability to affect and manipulate the minds of other sentient beings. Betsy can read minds and communicate mentally with others over long distances. When she telepathically communicates with another person over a distance, that person often perceives her presence as a butterfly-like image bearing large eyes on its wings. She is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Psychic Knives: Being the summation of her psionic energy, they do Am Energy to a living target and the target is required to make a Psyche FEAT vs. Ex intensity when a hit is scored, vs. In intensity when a stun is scored, and vs. Mn intensity when a kill is scored.
-Psychic Detection: In, this means Betsy cannot be surprised in addition to the normal use of this power.
-Mental Probe: In, by anticipating what her opponent is going to do Betsy gets +2cs on her attacks, dodges or evasions. Every round she must make a power FEAT vs. the opponent's Psyche so people with a Psyche higher than Am are immune.
-Astral Projection: Mn ability to project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. Under the effects of the Crimson Dawn her astral form was normally undetectable.
-Psionic Shadow: Mn ability to mask her presence from others. Her abilities can go undetected and are very difficult to track, even by very powerful telepaths such as Shadow King. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well.
-Telepathic Illusions: Am ability to create illusions to make herself seem to be invisible, look like someone else, or make others experience events that are not truly happening.
-Mind Control: Mn ability to control the minds of others.
-Mental Paralysis: Am ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis
-Mental Amnesia: Mn ability to erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
-Telepathic Tracking: Mn ability to track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum) especially if they pose a threat to her well-being in her immediate vicinity.
-Psionic Blasts: Mn
-Psi-Screen: CL1000
Resist Power Manipulation, Reality Manipulation: CL1000
Body Resistance: Rm
Regeneration: Ex
Costume: Captain Britain's costume has a force field closely over her skin, this gives him the following power stunts:
-Shield: Rm protection vs. Physical, Energy and Psionic attacks.
-Force Attack: Rm ranged Blunt attack
Starlight Sword: Un material, In Edge, The Starlight Sword was a magical blade forged by Saturnyne from the walls of the Starlight Citadel.
Talents: All Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Oriental Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Psychic Weapons), Multi-Lingual, Espionage/Detective, Crime, Escape Artist, Stealth, Performer: (Modeling, Singer)
Contacts: X-Men, Brian Braddock