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Chondu the Mystic

Chondu the Mystic

F) Sh-0
A) Sh-0
S) Fe2
E) Ty6
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 8 Karma: 36
Resources: Ty Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Mystic Arts: It is unclear whether Chondu’s powers are actually magical in nature or merely psionic. Whichever the case, he must make a Yellow Psyche FEAT to use his powers. If he succeeds, he can attempt to control another’s will, or attack another mentally, at Ty intensity. In his original body, Chondu could project his astral-self and engage in psychic combat.
Currently, Chondu is a disembodied head, still perfectly conscious, who has the following statistics:


Talents: Occult Lore, Sleight of Hand, Dimensional and Universal magical phenomena

Contacts: Headmen