Captain Britain was sent to an alternate Earth, known as Earth 238, by Merlyn. Together with Saturnyne, he hoped to save this world from the corruption that threatened it, instead they encountered Earth 238's Mad Jim Jaspers, a lunatic with the ability to warp reality. Serving Jaspers, were the Crazy Gang, a group of superhumans based on characters in Lewis Caroll's "Through the Looking-Glass". Captain Britain and Saturnyne individually managed to escape this Earth and Jaspers and the Crazy Gang were killed when Earth 238 was destroyed by Saturnyne's successor, Mandragon.
Back on his homeworld, Earth 616, Captain Britain encountered his world's Mad Jim Jaspers. Jaspers was even more powerful here and in a moment of boredom he created the Crazy Gang from the Earth. Jim Jaspers was killed shortly afterwards and his death undid most of the changes Jaspers had done to the world, but the Crazy Gang continued to exist for some reason. Leaderless, the Crazy Gang tried to rob banks, but without a leader they were too incompetent to be any actual threat. They start looking for a leader and Slaymaster responded. Disguised as the Caterpillar from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, he convinced the Crazy Gang that he was like them. Under Slaymaster's leadership, the Crazy Gang became an effective band of thieves and he directed them to steal and vandalize objects and monuments that had symbolic importance to Great Britain. These actions angered Captain Britain and he attacked the Crazy Gang, walking into the trap Slaymaster set for him. Finding out that Slaymaster had used them, the Crazy Gang left him, disappointed.
Months later, they were hired by Arcade to kidnap Courtney Ross, Captain Britain's former girlfriend. In Arcade's deadly themepark Murderworld, the Crazy Gang fought Captain Britain's new group Excalibur. Crazy Gang member, Tweedledope had created a device that allowed the Crazy Gang to switch bodies with Excalibur, but in the end Excalibur managed to restore everything back to normal.
Disappointed with their life of crime, the Crazy Gang kidnapped Joyboy of the Technet, now known as the N-men. They brought Joyboy to their Red Queen and Joyboy's ability to twist a person's dreams and desires and make them a nightmarish reality connected with the Red Queen's madness. The two entered a symbiotic embrace and created a beautiful land. They invited villagers from nearby to visit them and the villagers accepted. Their sudden disappearance was noticed though and Excalibur was called in to investigate the disappearance. Excalibur discovered the Wonderland, but Captain Britain's prejudices against the Crazy Gang made him attack the group. His girlfriend Meggan convinced him though that the Crazy Gang had changed their ways and were actually harmless. Excalibur left again, leaving the Crazy Gang as friends. Some time later, Excalibur sent a large group of trolls, living under London to live with the Crazy Gang in their Wonderland.
Under unknown circumstances, Joyboy returned to the Technet and the Red Queen turned insane again. The Executioner was destroyed and the Crazy Gang buried it. Former Excalibur member, Feron, stumbled upon the Crazy Gang and disguised himself as the Executioner. He manipulated the Crazy Gang to attack Excalibur, but they were easily defeated and the Executioner was unmasked as Feron. The Crazy Gang was then invited to Captain Britain's wedding to Meggan.
Red Queen
Former Members:
Mad Jim Jaspers