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Diablo the Alchemist

Diablo the Alchemist

F) Gd10
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Rm30
I) Ty6
P) Ex20

Health: 32 Karma: 56
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Mastery Level: Diablo’s powers stem entirely from a huge arsenal of alchemical potions and pellets that he mystically concocts. Given enough time he could produce a pharmecutical resolution to just about anything. His entire costume is lined with hidden pockets where he keeps these items that simulate magical effects.

Alchemy Potions: Diablo has used some of the following potions:
-Appearance Alteration Potion: In, With this potion, Diablo can make the flesh of his face and body pliable and he can change his human form into a nerveless protoplasm. In protoplasmic form, Diablo suffers no damage from energy attacks and only half damage from physical attacks.
-Animate Potion: Rm, When poured on an inanimate object, the object comes alive, and Diablo controls the abilities and actions of the new life form as if using an Animation spell.
-Emotion Control Potion: Ex, When a character drinks this potion, Diablo controls the character as if he were under the Emotion Control spell.
-Explosives: In, These non-magical potions or pellets can be thrown up to 1 area away and act as high explosive grenades.
-Longevity: Although centuries old, Diablo retains the vitality of a man in his late 30’s by occasionally drinking this potion.
-Matter Rearrangement Potion: Am, This potion makes temporary molecular transmutations, allowing, for instance, for the transformation of stones to feathers. Diablo controls the activities of this new mass as if using the Matter Rearrangement spell. The effect has a duration of 10 rounds.
-Mental Control Pellet: Rm, A pellet that gives Diablo control over a character as if using the Mental Control spell.
-Metabolism Potion: Rm, A character drinking this potion can slow down his metabolism as if using the Personal spell "Trance".
-Nature Control Potion: In, This rare potion, that gives Diablo this Universal magical ability, can only control one of the basic elements and no more than one potion can be used at a time.
-Nerve Gas Pellet: Ex, 2 areas
-Resist Death Potion: In, This potion, when drunk, allows a dying person to resist death for a short time. The effect is the same as the Universal spell "Vapors-Resist Death".
-Sleeping Potion: In, This potion acts as the Miscellaneous spell Mists of Morpheus.

Talents: Alchemy, Chemistry

Contacts: None

Diablo's First Costume