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The Doombots


F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Ty6
P) Fb2

Health: 120 Karma: N/A
Resources: Am Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
Robotic Construct: In material, the Doombots are robots created in the image of Dr. Doom in his armor. They have the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical, Am protection vs. Energy including Heat, Cold, Radiation, Electricity and Lasers
-Force Field: Un, Doombots cannot attack while the force field is active.
-Flight: In airspeed
-Blasters: Mn Force or Am stun, 7 areas. The blasters can also be used as an area attack, affecting everyone in an adjacent area at -2cs. Area attacks cannot be dodged, but intended targets can escape its effects by leaving the area of effect.
-Laser Beam: Am Energy, 7 areas
-Tractor Beam: Am, 7 areas, It is generally used to pull an opponent or object towards the Doombot or hold an opponent or object in place. Note that the Tractor Beam cannot cause any damage by itself. A Strength FEAT roll is required to break free of the Tractor Beam's power.
-Lightning Beam: Am Electrical or stuns opponents with In ability at a range of 3 areas.
-Electric Touch: Mn Electrical or Am Stunning on contact.
-Disruptor Beam: Disrupts electrical fields, rendering electronic equipment powerless for 1-10 turns with Am ability at a range of 5 areas. A successful power FEAT roll against the intensity of the disruptor negates the effect. The disruptor ignores body armor but not force fields. However, if the force field is generated by an electronic device, the disruptor can affect it with power rank ability.
-Sensors: In Infravision and Enhanced Hearing, the Doombots are also equipped with radar, sonar, sonic, thermal, infra-red, and radiation detection units. Each has a range of 100 miles and functions with Am ability. While the sensors are active, Doombots cannot be blindsided. If the sensors are inactive or disabled, Doombots' Intuition are reduced to Ex.
-Communicators: Mn
-Self-Sustenance: Doomsbots don't eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space


Talents: Repair/Tinkering (Doom’s Devices)

Contacts: Doctor Doom