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Doctor Voodoo

Doctor Voodoo

Jericho Drumm

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 42 Karma: 90
Resources: Ty Pop: 30 in Haiti/0 anywhere else

Known Powers:
Magic: Doctor Voodoo is a Master of Voodoo, has the following magical abilities:
Personal Spells:
-Trance: Immunity to Fire: (Automatic)
-Summon: Doctor Voodoo can summon the specter of his deceased brother, Daniel, from its dwelling place within Brother Voodoo’s body. By doing so he increases his Strength to Ex and his Health to 56. He can also send his brother’s spirit form, like an astral entity. No known time limit exists which restricts how long Daniel can remain outside his brother’s body. When Daniel ceases inhabitation of a person other than his brother, the host may suffer disorientation, nausea or trauma. Disorientation involves a -1cs to the host’s Fighting, Reason, and Psyche abilities for 1-10 rounds.
-All other Personal spells he may use are of an Ex power rank.
Universal Spells:
-Mental Control (Limited): Rm
-Mesmerism (All Animals): Mn, only one creature at a time.
-Mesmerism (Plants): Rm, only one plant at a time.
-Nature Control (Fire): In
-Vapours of Obscurity: Rm, Doctor Voodoo’s obscuring vapors, appearing in the form of smoke, are always accompanied by the sound of voodoo drums. This sound has a disorienting effect on others (Fighting, Reason, and Psyche abilities all suffer a -1cs in the area of this power).

Cloak of Levitation: Sh-X material the Cloak of Levitation has the following abilities:
-Flight: In
-Mental Commands: Dr. Voodoo can mentally command his Cloak wherever it is, even if he is in his astral form or the cloak is in another dimension, though extradimensional control requires a successful Psyche FEAT roll. These commands are not only flying and levitation, but retrieving, attacking, and enwrapping as well
-Appendage: Depending on where it is instructed to wrap it can blind, prevent escape, stop attacks or magical gesturing or completely encase a human like a mummy with In strength
-Magical Protection: Mn protection vs. Eldritch Magic
Eye of Agamotto: CL1000 material, Un abilities, Has the following power stunts:
-All-Revealing Light: Un ability to allow Dr. Voodoo to see through disguises, invoke images of the immediate past, and track both corporeal and ethereal beings by their psychic or magical emissions.
-Mind Probe: Dr. Voodoo is +2cs for Mental Probe, Mental Control, and Telepathy spells. When used as such, the amulet opens and releases a representation of a golden eye, which affixes itself to Dr. Voodoo's forehead, allowing him to "see" into the mind he wishes to probe. The target is allowed 1 Psyche FEAT at the beginning of the process to resist the probe.
-Ionic Screen: Am personal Force Field
-Gateway: CL1000, Provide a gateway into other dimensions. When called upon under the proper Incantations, the amulet will separate from its backing, seemingly enlarge to a size several feet in diameter, and then open, revealing a portal to other worlds. It can be used this way to visit the realm of Eternity.
-Psychic Link: As the amulet is controlled chiefly by thought and force of will, the wielder of the amulet establishes a psychic link with it. Indeed, when the wielder leaves his body in astral form, as astral duplicate of the amulet-capable of nearly all of the amulet's functions, albeit at slightly less powerful levels-travels with him.
-Worthiness: As an object of 'white magic' it can be only operated by a person possessing pure thoughts and a clean soul.

Talents: Psychology

Contacts: Avengers Unity Division

Fabio Medina as Goldballs