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F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) In40
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 120 Karma: 50
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Outer Nervous System: Fantomex and E.V.A. share the same nervous system, and only one is capable of real consciousness and complicated action at any given moment. When Fantomex is active, E.V.A. is normally silent and is basically just a vehicle ; when Fantomex is unconscious or transfers control to her, E.V.A. is capable of the full range of motion, activity and speech of a human. They are capable of switching back and forth in a very quick and very coordinated fashion
-Energy Blast: Am Energy, 10 areas
-Extra limbs: E.V.A. has four extra limbs that allows him to make 2 extra attacks
-Immune to Flame and Heat: Ex
-Flash: Ex Blinding
-Flight: Mn airspeed
-Invulnerability: Am; however, it takes an hour for it to work
-Life Sense: Am ability to to determine if people are armed (from posture), track specific people, notice DNA fragments smeared around, etc.
-Regeneration: Ex
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space
-Thermal Vision: Am

Fantome X and E.V.A. feel the same pain and suffer the same damage