Eye Boy
Trevor Hawkins
F) Pr4
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Ty6
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health: 22 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Multiple Eyes: Eye Boy's entire body is covered in eyes, allowing him to see 360 degrees. His eyes are also capable of the following:
-Magical Wave Perception: Am ability to see magic waves in the air.
-Enhanced Visual Abilities: Trevor has gained special abilities due to his extra eyes such as improved marksmanship and nonverbal communications.
-Psychological Intuition: Am ability to see through certain personality traits in other people by noting subtle habits. i.e. Shark Girl's fear of abandonment via hand tremors when yelling, Sprite's longing for peer recognition noting her corner eye twitching and Glob Herman's fostering secrets gleaned from his quivering jelly body. He was also able to quickly discern the true motives of two new students who were secretly junior S.H.I.E.L.D agents under orders to report the Jean Grey School's activities/dangers to normal human society and shut it down.
-Aura Viewing/Tracking: Am ability to sense powerful empathetic ties and also track people by following said connections to them, ties of friendship shared between himself and the special class at school for instance.
-Illusion Perception: Mn ability to see past illusions and disguises.
-Electric Wave Perception: Mn ability to see electronic wavelengths
-Weakness Perception: Mn ability to pinpoint weak spots in machines and people
Talents: Student
Contacts: Jean Grey School for Higher Learning