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Pyreus Kril

F) Am50
A) Mn75
S) Am50
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Mn75
P) Am50

Health: 275 Karma: 155
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Power Cosmic: Firelord has the Power Cosmic at Un rank, typically using it for fiery effects. Gives Firelord the following abilities:
-Fire-Generation and Control: CL1000 flame-generation and control which are restricted to Un in an atmosphere.
-Self-Healing: Up to Un damage
-Matter-Manipulation: as does the Silver Surfer.
-Body Armor: Am, ordinary weapons melt on contact.
-Flight: CL1000, Un in atmosphere
-Immortality: immune to aging, disease

Staff: Mn material, Firelord channels his Power Cosmic through his staff. However, he does not need it to use the Power Cosmic

Talents: Starship Captain, Astro-Navigation

Contacts: Thor

Firelord's Last Appearance