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The Foreigner

The Foreigner

F) In40
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 130 Karma: 70
Resources: Rm Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Hypnosis: If Foreigner makes eye contact with an opponent, he can cause them to "blackout" for up to 3 rounds. During this time, his opponent will be unable to act and will be unaware of what is going on around them. This hypnotic trance will always last for 3 rounds unless the victim is attacked during that period. While his victim is under, Foreigner can gain the advantage for Blindsiding (+2cs to hit), aiming (+1cs to hit) or Point Blank range (+3cs) attacks or any other applicable tactic. Resisting the effect of Foreigner's hypnosis is impossible for targets who have a Psyche lower than his own. Targets of equal Psyche can resist on a Yellow Psyche FEAT roll. Those with mental powers or some sort of psionic screening can resist on a Green result. Foreigner cannot hypnotize a person with a higher Psyche than his own. Foreigner may be able to affect a group of people with his powers, provided all are in line of sight and looking at his eye
Nerve Punch: Foreigner is schooled in the pressure points on the human body. On any Red result of Slugfest, he is considered to have struck on these pressure points and his victim is unable to move for 1 round. Endurance FEATs vs. the effects of one of these nerve punches are made at -1cs

Energy Rifle: Rm Energy, 7 areas

Talents: Disguise, Performer: (Actor), Detective/Espionage, Edged Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Guns, Marksmanship, Martial Arts C, Wrestling, Thrown Weapons, Tumbling

Contacts: The 1400 Club