Isaac Christians
F) Ex20
A) Pr4
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Ty6
P) Gd10
Health: 94 Karma: 26
Resources: Pr Pop: 4
Known Powers:
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical
Bio-Mystical Life Force Control: Gargoyle can remove up to an In amount of Health from a target on touch. This loss is regenerated at a rate of 20 points per round, but a victim will die if his Health drops below zero. Every use of this power costs Gargoyle 2 points of Karma. Gargoyle can control how much Health he will take from a victim, but must announce his intention before making the attack
Flight: Gd, 3 areas/round
Regeneration: Am, he may regain lost members through regeneration, and he enjoys immunity to the effects of aging and disease
Force Bolts: Gargoyle can redirect his own bio-mystical life force into bolts which do up to In damage, but as many points will be removed from his Health as were used in the bolt attack. He regenerates this damage at a rate of 20 points per round
Anti-Magical Force Field: Isaac may use his life force as a barrier which provides Mn protection against Magical attacks. Each use of the force field drains 10 points of Health
Talents: None
Contacts: Defenders