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F) Ex20
A) Ty6
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Fe2
I) Ty6
P) In40

Health: 201 Karma: 48

Known Powers:
Bite: The Glartox possesses a huge mouth with powerful jaws and teeth that are several feet long. MnEdge against normal human sized opponents. The beast is so large it will often swallow a victim whole, inflicting Am Blunt, In Corrosive/round and apply rules for suffocation.
Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
Claws: In material, up to Un Edge
Growth: The Glartox is initially around 75-feet tall. Normal sized opponents gain +3cs to hit it, but Edge weapons or projectiles that penetrate its armor are reduced -3cs in damage. Normal human sized opponents are -3cs to avoid being Slammed by the creature.
Empathic Vampire: The Glartox is a demon-like creature that absorbs the psychic energy of other people's fear and anger and uses that energy to increase its size and power.
-If there are enough frightened and/or angry people within 100 yards, who's total Psyche ranks equal the creature's next level for Strength (example: Un) Strength requires a total of 100 Psyche points to be available within range), The creature grows to 100 feet in height and its Strength, Endurance, Body Armor Bite and Claws increase +1cs after 10 rounds with a corresponding increase in Health
-After another 10 minutes, If there are enough frightened and/or angry people within 100 yards, who's total Psyche ranks equal the creature's next level for Strength (150 points total), the creature grows even larger gaining another +1cs to Strength, Endurance, Body Armor Bite and Claws (Health does change). At more than 150 feet in height, its opponents gain a +3cs to hit it but edge or projectiles that penetrate its armor are reduced -4cs. Normal human sized opponents are -4cs to avoid being Slammed by the creature.
-The creature may continue to grow in this manner indefinitely as log as there are victims for it to feed off of. The duration between size increases grows from 10 rounds to 10-hours, then 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc.


Talents: None

Contacts: None