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Thomas Gideon

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Pr4
E) Ty6
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 26 Karma: 66
Resources: CL5000 Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Tachyon Manipulation: Glorian's major power is his ability to travel by creating a "Rainbow Bridge" of tachyons. With it he can carry himself and anyone else he wishes at CL3000 speeds. While travelling, Glorian and his passengers do not require food, water, air, or livable temperatures.
Reality Manipulation: Glorian has Illusion Generation powers at Sh-Z rank. At a rate of one area/round, he can convert up to a 10 mile diameter circle for up to 23 hours. If he does not maintain this illusion, the area reverts back to its original appearance.


Talents: Student

Contacts: Shaper of Worlds