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Hitman Monkey

F) In40
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 120 Karma: 60
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Snow Monkey Physiology: As a Japanese macaque, Hit-Monkey's very body gives him the following abilities:
-Lightning Speed: Gd groundspeed
-Resistance to Cold: Ex
-Swimming: Pr waterspeed
-Climbing: In
-Feet: use as hands, +1CS wrestling
-Balance: fall up to 30' without damage
-Leaping: Gd
Animal Magnetism: Rm ability to make human females want to hang out with him.
Photographic Reflexes: Hit-Monkey can copy all moves and Fighting or Agility based talents from people he has observed for more than 2 rounds. He must make a Mn power FEAT to do so.

Pistols: (x2) Gd Shooting, 3 areas

Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Guns, Acrobatics, Survival, First Aid

Contacts: None