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The Hulk

The Hulk

Jennifer Walters

F) In40/Ty6
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) Un100/Ty6
E) Un100/Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 270/28 Karma: 40
Resources: Ex Pop: 30

Known Powers:
She-Hulk Form: Jennifer Walters is able transform into She-Hulk, giving her the following power stunts:
-Body Resistance: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerablity: CL1000 resistance to Cold, Heat, Fire and Disease
-Hyper-Leaping: Sh-Z ability
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Adrenalin Surge: In every round of combat with the same opponent the Hulk's Fighting and Strength will, when he gets mad, increase by +1cs to a maximum of Sh-X


PTSD: This new incarnation of She-Hulk is more violent and bestial than its predecessor, causing Jennifer to mostly remain in her human form in order to avoid hurting those around her. It is also shown that she is experiencing lingering PTSD over the Thanos incident the triggered the second Civil War

Talents: Law, Acrobatics, Business/Finance

Contacts: None

Jennifer Walters