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The Hulk

The Hulk

Jennifer Walters

F) In40/Ty6
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) Un100/Ty6
E) Un100/Gd10
R) Ty6/Gd10
I) Ex20/Gd10
P) Rm30/Ex20

Health: 270/28 Karma: 56/40
Resources: Ex Pop: 30

Known Powers:
She-Hulk Form: Jennifer Walters is able transform into She-Hulk, giving her the following power stunts:
-Body Resistance: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerability: CL1000 resistance to Cold, Heat, Fire and Disease
-Hyper-Leaping: Sh-Z ability
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Adrenalin Surge: In every round of combat with the same opponent the Hulk's Fighting and Strength will, when he gets mad, increase by +1cs to a maximum of Sh-X
Gamma Radiation/Energy Manipulation and Emission: After her exposure to Eson the Searcher's cosmic energy, Jen was imbued with an additional dose of gamma radiation, making her generate enough energy to incite severe burns upon physical contact at Am rank.
--Gamma Shockwave: When sufficiently enraged, Jen is capable of unleashing omnidirectional blasts of Gamma energy, creating Un explosions powerful enough to level city blocks.
--Gamma Breath: Up to Un Energy
--Gamma Spit: Jen's salivation secretions have a In Corrosive upon whatever they make contact with.
-Resurrective Immortality: As with the Hulk and other Gamma empowered beings, She-Hulk is immortal and cannot permanently die.

Wakandan Warsuit: In order to better temper her Gamma Radiation, Black Panther fashioned a Wakandan Warsuit that Jennifer uses to better control her energy discharges.

Talents: Law, Acrobatics, Business/Finance

Contacts: Avengers, Thor

Jennifer Walters