Human Torch
Johnny Storm
F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6
Health: 60 Karma: 26
Resources: Ex Pop: 30
Known Powers:
Invulnerability: CL1000 vs. Heat and Flame
Fire Sheath: Johnny can surround himself with a sheath of flame that provides
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Weapons of less that Am material
-Anyone touching the Torch with this active suffers In fire damage.
-True Flight: When his fire sheath is active Johnny can fly at Ex airspeed. He cannot fly without 'flaming on' first.
Fire Control: Johnny can control flame itself with Un ability. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Flame Constructs: Am intensity flame barriers, rings, cages and other restraining devices.
-Dampen flames with Un ability.
-Self Duplication: Create up to 10 duplicates by shaping flames to resemble his Human Torch appearance
Fire Generation: Emit Un intensity flames up to 3 areas. He has developed several stunts with this power:
-Sky Writing: Johnny can draw any shape from flame that remains for 4 turns
-Nova Flame: Sh-Z damage to all in the same area as the Torch, Sh-X damage up to 5 areas away. His flames are reduced to Fe for 1-10 rounds afterwards and he must make an Endurance FEAT or pass out for 1-10 rounds.
Body Armor: Ty protection vs. Physical and Energy
Communications Device: Ty material, gives it the following abilities:
-Communications: Un ability with any member of the Fantastic Four
-GPS: Mn, allows the Fantastic Four to find a member anywhere on Earth
-Transport Node: Gives Human Torch Mn ability to teleport anywhere in the Baxter Building
-Shape-Shift: Ty, transforms the costume into regular street clothes
Talents: Mechanics, Race Car Driver, Actor
Contacts: Medusa, The Inhumans, Avengers Unity Squad, Spider-Man/Peter Parker