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Iron Man Armor Model 13 (Hulkbuster Armor)

Iron Man's Hulk-Buster Armor

F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Sh-X150
E) Mn75
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Ty6

Health: 295 Karma: 66
Resources: Rm Pop: 35

Known Powers:

Hulk-Buster Armor: This is not really a suit of armor but an exoskeleton for the Mark 11 (Modular Armor). It was specifically designed to be used in battle with the Hulk, has the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Un protection vs. Physical, Am resistance vs. Cold, Heat and Energy, Rm protection vs. Corrosive
-Force Field: Mn, this requires all power being shunted to the Force Field grid. No Energy weapons can be used, only Life Support and Sensors operate. Due to the dual-system, Physical Mobility operates at Mn 75 Strength Rank. This can only be used for 2 rounds/hour or the grid overloads and burns off a layer of the outer armor, reducing the Protection by -1cs.
-Protected Senses: Am protection vs. Sound and Light
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Boot Jets: In Force, Same Area
-Sensors: Mn, 11 area range, including Radar, Sonar, Thermographic, MRI, Ultrasound, Infrared, Ultraviolet, and Life Detector (Pinpoints heat sources), Un detection of Gamma Radiation
-EMC: Rm
-Life Support: 2 hours air supply
-Air Bag: 1 time cushioning of impact if Slammed more than 5 Areas (or that Speed equivalent). Internal inertial sensors guage this and automatically deploy it. Unit can also be manually deployed to be used for catching or stopping someone/something else. Un protection vs. Physical
-Energy Absorbtion: Un ability to absorb up to 100 Points of Energy per Round to a maximum holding capacity of 300 Points. This can be held for a maximum of 4 Rounds. Any longer and it erupts from the armor, doing Ex Energy Damage to all in the Area, including Iron Man and ignoring his Body Armor. This also disrupts the power system of the outer armor and disables it until he can succeed a Yellow Reason FEAT to rechannel the systems. This Power can be used in the various systems of the armor. Raise the Repulsors to Un Force for up to 3 Rounds. Raise other weapons systems to Mn for 3 Rounds with a Green Reason FEAT.
-Magnetic Plates: In Strength Field on contact, Allows wall-crawling of metal walls as normal movement.
-Suction Discs: Ex Wall-Crawling
-Electro-Magnetic Pulse: Am ability to shut down all electronic devices within a 5 area radius for at least 6 Rounds. Shuts down the armor for 6 Rounds, except for Life Support, Sensors, Armor Integrity Field and Basic Mobility (Gd 10 Strength)
-Stanchion Boots: Anchor cables fire from the boots into the ground. This holds him in place with Mn Strength.
Weapons System:
-Repulsors: Up to Am Force , 10 area
-Pulse Bolts: Gd Force/Area travelled. 10 Area Range. Un Force at Max Range.
-Magnetic Manipulation: In ability and strength to move and control metals. This is coarse control only.
-Light (Top of Helmet): Rm Flood or Spot light, 2 area range.
-Disruptor Field: Rm intensity to Electrical devices, 2 area Range
-Ultra-Freon Spray: Mn intensity Cold (Energy Damage/Endurance Check), 1 area range, 3 shots, area effect. Must be careful of Cold exposure to the armor.
-Finger Laser: In Energy (Cutting/Welding), Same Area
-Gauntlet Energy Shield: Un Protection vs. Energy, allows direct absorption of Energy Attacks for use of the armor systems without a FEAT Roll. Can be used for absorbing Area attacks, but only provides protection against focused attacks.
-Fire Suppressant: Am intensity, 1 area range, area effect
-Knock-Out Pellets: In intensity in 1 area, 2 area range
-Grappling Lines: Am material, 2 areas, Grappling or climbing.

-1cs to Agility when fine work is required (Balance, Close Quarters Flight...)
+1CS to be hit.
Weak against extreme Heat and Cold: Anything above Am intensity will begin to burn off or shatter the layers of the outer armor. This could be localized to a small area or over most of the armor depending on the type of attack. If it is more than a small area, Protection is permanently reduced by -1CS for every Rank above Am. This is to the outer armor only and the inner armor still protects the wearer. However the systems could begin shutting down.

Talents: Bionics, Business/Finance, Cybernetics, Electronics, Engineering, Weapon Design.

Contacts: Stark Enterprises, Avengers, Maria Stark Foundation, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, S.H.I.E.L.D., US Government