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Iron Man

Iron Man

Tony Stark

F) Rm30/Ex20
A) Ex20/Gd10
S) Sh-X150/Gd10
E) Un100/Gd10
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 300/50 Karma: 70
Resources: In Pop: 35

Known Powers:

Iron Man Armor Model 22: The Thorbuster was powered by an Asgardian crystal. As such it could draw on the same energies that empowered Thor and his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir. The armor has the following capabilities:
-Body Armor: Am material, Mn protection vs. Physical, Force and Energy, Am protection vs. Heat, Cold and Corrosives, Un protection vs. Radiation and Electrical
-Flight: Jet engines in the boots allow for Am airspeed (25 areas/round). The boot thrusters may be used as weapons, inflicting In Energy at a range of same area.
-Repulsors: Located in each gauntlet, up to Un Force, 15 areas
-Energy Absorption (Asgardian Enchantment): May absorb up to Un Electrical and Asgardian Magic energy per round. Maximum capacity is 1,000 points and that can be stored safely for up to 10 rounds. Longer storage requires a successful Endurance FEAT to avoid Un damage each round until stored energy is depleted. Damage occurs to all within the same area, including Iron Man, whose Body Armor is ignored for this effect. Absorbed energy can be channeled through the armor’s weapons or strength for Sh-Y damage. Both Electrical and Asgardian magic can be absorbed.
-Uni-Beam: Mounted in the center of the chest plate, the beam has a range of 3 areas and can produce the following effects:
--Searchlight: Rm Ultraviolet, Visible Light or Infrared
-Air Supply: When sealed, the armor has a 2-hour air supply.
-Protected Senses: Am protection vs. high-intensity Light or Sonic. He does suffer 1 round of deafness or blindness while his senses adjust.
-Communications: Rm short-wave radio with 200 mile range.
-Sensors: Rm, the armor is equipped with the following sensors:
--Infrared Vision: 3 areas
--Radar and Sonar Detectors: 5 areas
--Exotic Energy and Life Detectors: 10 miles
-Exo-Armor: The Thorbuster is an outer module worn over an interior model armor.

Talents: Engineering, Electronics, Business, Physics, Robotics, Firearms, Martial Arts A, Pilot, Multi-Lingual: (Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, French, Russian)

Contacts: Stark Enterprises, The Avengers, Maria Stark Foundation, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, S.H.I.E.L.D., Any Former Avenger