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Johnny Storm

F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Am50
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 230 Karma: 90
Resources: Ex Pop: 50

Known Powers:
Invisibility: CL1000 ability to render himself undetectable to all means of detection, including the cosmic perceptions of such powerful beings as his master, Galactus. Perceptor may perform the following power stunts:
-Rendering a volume up to the size of a small moon undetectable by any means.
-Dispel all forms of physics-based invisibility or illusionary means of concealment with CL1000 ability. This will not work on Invisibility of a telepathic nature, as it consists of a mental attack making the target(s) ignore what their senses tell them, although such attacks can be resisted as normal.
Force Field: Sh-X protection against all attacks, -1cs for every area covered beyond the first. This field may be projected to cover others and need not contain Perceptor within it.
-Floating Disc: Appearing as an invisible force field disc granting CL5000 space speed, capable of supporting up to 100 tons in flight.
True Sight (automatic): Un ability to perceive the truth about anything he gazes upon. This ability is so great it may even read the truth about cosmic entities, including such great powers as Galactus.
Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breath, able to survive in the vacuum of space
True Invulnerability: Rm resistance to any attacks that manage to get by his Force Field.
Immortality: As a result of his reconfiguration as a Herald of Galactus, Johnny Storm no longer ages, and is immune to the ravages of time. He also enjoys CL1000 resistance to Toxins, Disease, and attacks that induce Aging.
Power Cosmic: Un ability to manipulate vast amounts of cosmic energy within line-of-sight range. He may perform the following power stunts:
-Force Bolts: Un Force or Energy
-Gateway: May open portals into Hyperspace while traveling at top speed in order to travel to virtually anywhere in the universe almost instantly.

Body Armor: Ty protection vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Mechanics, Race Car Driver, Actor

Contacts: Galactus