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Spider-Man's Stark Armor


Peter Parker

F) Rm30
A) Mn75
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 205 Karma: 80
Resources: Ty Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Spider-Sense: Mn Buzzing, cannot be blindsided and may make defensive actions if he makes a successful power FEAT. Intuition remains same in battle. If sense is nulified, Intuition is as listed and all Agility FEATs are at -1cs. Spider-Man is also able to detect when his family is attacked from far distances
-Insect Communication: In, Spider-Man now has a more sympathetic relationship with insects and arachnids.
Wall-Crawling: Am, Spider-Man can now adhere objects (ex. person, briefcase) to him to his back and other places on his body.
Leaping: Am, up to 3 areas
Balance: Spider-Man’s balance allows him to walk a tightrope automatically and a slack with an Agility FEAT. His sense of balance helps him fall up to 3 stories (30 feet) without receiving damage, provided he lands on his feet (Agility FEAT). He can prevent damage from a longer fall by grabbing and swinging off protrusions in the fall’s path every 3 stories (flagpole, lampposts, etc.) or using his Web-Shooters, as long as he keeps making Agility FEATs
Web-Shooters: Spider-Man now has organic Web-Shooters, they shoot up to 7 areas, In material strength in round it was fired. Mn in next round. Used for transportation (3 areas/round) and restraining. The following can made with his web:
-Web Shield: Mn
-Web Parachute
-Web Hand-Glider: Ty airspeed
-Web Missile: Ex blunt attack at 3 areas
-Blinding: Am, once the web is removed, the victim is able to see again.
-Web Slingshot: Able to launch himself over great distances. 1 round to make the slingshot and “prep himself for launch”, launch himself up to 10 areas the next round.
-Web Vibrations: Spider-Man's Webbing is able to pick up vibrabations, much like a spider can feel something in its webs, with Am ability. It allows him to find people or an object that creates some sort of vibration.
Stingers: In material, can inflict up to Ex Edge; the Stingers appear only when Spider-Man is in trouble. The Stinger injects a knock-out toxin into the victim. The victim must make a Red Endurance FEAT vs. unconscious for 1-10 rounds.
Night Vision: Am, Spider-Man suffers no penalties in darkness

Costume: Tony Stark developed a new suit for Peter, which is controlled by a computer system in the chest piece. The suit responds to Peter's mental command. The costume gives Spider-Man the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy, Rm resistance to Heat
-Mesh Webbing: Located under Spider-Man’s arms are webs that allow him to glide with Gd ability
-Built-In Fire/Police/Emergency Scanner: Receives own wavelength and those of defense organizations, 200 mile range
-Audio Amplification: In
-Visual Amplification: In, includes Infrared and Ultraviolet
-Air Supply: 2 hours
-Carbon Filter: The mask provides In protection vs. Airborne Toxins
-GPS Microwave Communications: Rm, all standard communication frequencies at a range of 25 miles.
-Liquid Metal Nano-Fiber Fabric: The costume is made of liquid metal nano-fibers that allow him to change his costume to taking on any appearance he wishes.
-Cloaking Device: Rm Invisibility
-Waldoes: Ex material, Locates on the back of the costume are three waldoes. These give Spider-Man the following power stunts:
--Multiple Attacks: Able to make up to three multiple attacks on a successful Fighting FEAT. However, this should be used sparingly, because they are fragile
--A single leg has Gd Strength.
--Periscope: In ability to look around corners, displaying the results in his eyepieces.
--Flashlight: Gd illumination at the ends of the waldoes

Talents: Photography, Chemistry, Physics, Computers

Contacts: Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Aunt May, Daily Bugle, Midtown High School, Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Daredevil/Matt Murdock, Iron Man/Tony Stark, The New Avengers

Peter Parker

Spider-Man gliding

Spider-Man's Waldoes in Action

Spider-Man's Stingers

Spider-Man detects vibrations through his Webbing

Spider-Man's Night Vision

Spider-Man's New Adhesive Abilities