Master Izo
F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Rm30
I) Un100
P) Un100
Health: 120 Karma: 230
Resources: Pr Pop: 0 (25 to martial-arts experts)
Known Powers:
Proximity Sense: Un combat sense, Izo cannot be blindsided, and this ability worked even in darkness.
Enhanced Senses: Am taste, touch, hearing, and smell
Immortality: Izo evidently possesses some form of immortality or at least life-extending capability, as he is now somewhere in the area of 500 years old.
Katana Swords: Rm material, Ex Edge, Izo can perform the following power stunts:
-When Fighting with the swords, his Fighting rank was considered to be Un.
-Deflection: Izo can use his swords to deflect arrows and thrown weapons such as shurikens. This action requires a successful Agility FEAT roll.
Izo is blind and cannot see
Talents: All Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Swords Master, First Aid
Contacts: Daredevil