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Jubilation Lee

F) Ex20
A) Rm30
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 76 Karma: 36
Resources: Fb Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Fireworks: Jubilee is able to generate and control energy globules that can inflict up to Am Plasma damage and emit Rm Light and Heat within 3 areas. Has the following power stunts:
-Blind targets of her choice in one area with Rm effect.
-She may project beyond 3 areas however each additional area causes -1CS intensity.


Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Martial Arts E, First Aid

Contacts: X-Men

Jubilee's First X-Men Costume

Jubilee's Second X-Men Costume

Jubilee's Third X-Men Costume

Jubilee's First Generation X Costume

Jubilee's Second Generation X Costume

Jubilee's Third Generation X Costume

Jubilee's X-Corps Uniform