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F) Sh-Z500
A) Sh-Z500
S) Un100
E) Sh-Z500
R) Gd10
I) Un100
P) Sh-X150

Health: 1600 Karma: 260
Resources: N/A Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
Living Island: The entire island of Krakoa is sentient, living being. The statistics above apply both to the island itself and to the living form it created to battle the X-Men. Krakoa has the following powers:
-Biological Mastery: The consciousness of Krakoa has full control over its entire biosphere, from the island foundation to all the plants and animals living on it. It can manipulate them with Un ability. This also applies to any Habitats formed from its Flowers regardless of distance from the main island.
-Mutant Feeding: Krakoa is an entity which feeds on mutants and mutant abilities. Mutant victims hooked up to Krakoa's feeding areas are drained -1cs in all abilities per week until death occurs. They are unconscious until cut free. Currently, the island takes a miniscule portion of mutant energy from the entire population of the Mutant nation, no longer needing to use its feeding areas.
Flowers of Krakoa: These are specialized plants which are created by the Island and have been utilized by the Mutant Nation. Each flower is linked to Krakoa no matter how far it is from the island. They have been planted as far away as the Blue Area of the Moon. A flower was even planted in Otherworld, but it required the life-force of several Externals in order forge a gateway with the island.
-Human Drug L: When synthesized into pill form, this flower can extend the life of humans by five years.
-Human Drug I: When synthesized into pill form, this flower can act as an adaptive, universal antibiotic, granting Un resistant to bacteria.
-Human Drug M: When synthesized into pill form, this flower can heal diseases of the mind in humans at Am rank.
-Gateways: These flowers grow to create a portal from its location to its twin on Krakoa. These gateways can be programmed to exclude individuals and are currently keyed to only allow mutants entry. This proved easily fooled; however, such as when humans used the flayed skin of Domino to convince Krakoa they were mutants.
-Habitat: These flowers grow to create a self-sustaining biome that is part of Krakoa’s consciousness.
-No-Place: These flowers are not naturally occurring and grow to create a self-sustaining biome that is outside of the consciousness of Krakoa. These biomes are considered Krakoan tumors.


Non-Verbal: Krakoa cannot communicate with other individuals through regular speech or even psychic communication. It requires individuals who are either omnilingual, like Cypher, or have some ability to commune with flora, such as Black Tom Cassidy

Talents: None

Contacts: The Quiet Council