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Peter Jason Quill

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) In40
I) Am50
P) In40

Health: 110 Karma: 130
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Master of the Sun: A title bestowed upon Peter by what and whom he believed to be a false memory from prior history never truly lived. Being gifted entirely alien capabilities by said facsimile of his old mentor, Quill would gain incredible; albeit unexplored, new power which he can channel through his Element Gun. These as of yet unexplored faculties often manifest by the glow of his regrown left eye and the odd sun imprint tattooed to the palm of his right hand. He has demonstrated the following:
-Transvection: Ty Levitation
-Bioluminescence: Ex illumination
-Resistance to Telepathy: Un
-Living Power Plant: Un, The Element Blaster initially held a finite charge limit to its ability to channel and redistribute energy towards manipulating natural materials, but after having gained total control over various metaphysical dynamics pertaining to the universe, Quill now acts as his own dynamo to power said weapon of choice.
-Cosmic Awareness: Rm
Universal Translator: Un ability to to understand various alien languages

Clothes: Star-lord was outfitted with a special clothing. It provides Star-Lord with the following:
-Body Armor: Ty protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Sealed Systems: The uniform allows Star-Lord to survive in space
Battle Helmet: Star-Lord's helmet provides him with the following abilities:
-Air Supply: Star-Lord's helmet regulates oxygen when in space.
-Universal Translator: Un ability to understand/speak several different language
-Enhanced Vision: Rm
Element Gun: Mn material, fires up to 5 areas. Peter can change the element of his gun between any attacks. Each element uses a different column from which he makes his Agility FEAT to hit. The damage type is appropriate to the element. It has the following settings:
-Ice: Am Cold or Edge
-Fire: Am Fire or Heat
-Air: Am Force
-Earth: Am Blunt

Talents: Swordsman, Guns, Martial Arts B, E, Mechanic, Repair/Tinkering

Contacts: Guardians of the Galaxy