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Master Mold

Master Mold

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Gd10
P) Pr4

Health: 225 Karma: 44
Resources: In Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Robotic Construction: Master Mold is a robot, and as such has a number of special abilities:
-Immunity to Poison, Disease and Gas
-Invulnerability to Mental attacks such as mind control and mind reading (telepathic force bolts and other such attacks function normally).
-Self-Sustenance: Master Mold does not need to breathe, able to survive in outer space and being underwater.
-When fully assembled, Master Mold is 30' tall, and as such those attacking him have a +2CS chance of hitting.
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Self Repair: Master Mold can repair himself, using available technology and materials, with the equivalent of 20 Health regained per round, until reduced to 10 Health or less. At less than 10 Health, this power no longer functions.
Weapons Systems: Master Mold has in the past created a number of weapons systems, including:
-Hunter Missiles: Ex material, a specialized seek-and-destroy missile. Has Am speed, In control, The hunter missiles have Rm tracking ability and once having located a target, will attempt to destroy it with Am Energy beams.
-Beacon Probe: Can induce sleep with Am intensity in 2 areas.
-Energy Beams: Rm Force or Energy
-Gas Jets: fire Rm potency Knock-Out Gas up to 2 areas
-Stun Ray: Rm intensity, 3 area range
-Disintegrator Ray: Rm strength disintegration against inorganic material, 2 area range
Mutant Detection: Un ability to sense individuals with mutant DNA at a range of several hundred miles.
Flight: Ex air speed
Mind Control: Am
Brain Module: Master Mold's central consciousness resides within a "brain module," of which there are a number scattered throughout the world. Destruction of Master Mold in one form (with that brain module) does not fully destroy Master Mold. The brain module is made of Un strength material, and can regenerate a new body with Mn ability. As a protective measure, the brain module can inflict In Energy damage to anyone touching it.
Creations: Master Mold has in the past created a number of non-Sentinel creations to aid in his plans. They include:
-Servitors: Artificial lifeforms with the following abilities:
F) Gd A) Gd S) Ty E) Gd R) Pr I) Pr P) Pr
Health: 36 Karma: 12
The Servitors have Gd Body Armor, and are equipped with jet packs (Ty air speed) and blasters (Gd Energy, 2 area range).
-Conscience: The downloaded personality of Stephen Lang:
F) Ex A) Ex S) In E) Mn R) Rm I) Gd P) Pr EX EX IN MN RM GD PR 20 20 40 75 30 10 4
Health: 155 Karma: 44
Like Master Mold, Conscience has the advantages of Robotic Construction (though Conscience lacks regenerative powers). He has Ex Body Armor, and can fire In Energy or Force beams.
-Mobile Flying Base: A flying HQ with Ex Control, Sh-Z Body, Mn Speed and Am Protection. This base radiated Rm intensity light as well.
-Retribution Virus: Created by Moira MacTaggart (who was under the control of Master Mold at the time), this virus was designed to kill all super-human mutants, but would also kill 90% of normal humanity with the genetic potential for mutation. The disease causes -1CS in all abilities per hour, with death occurring when all abilities are at Sh-0 and an End. FEAT is failed. A vaccine for this virus was created by Moira, and all existing versions of it were either cured or destroyed.

Talents: Electronics, Robotics, Repair/Tinkering

Contacts: Sentinels