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Mordred the Evil

Mordred the Evil

Mordred Pendragon

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 70 Karma: 60
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Immortality: Mordred does not age
Magic: Practicer of Faerie and Druidic magic, and can use the following spells:
Personal Spells:
-Alteration Appearance: Rm
-Astral Projection: In
-Image Projecting: Ex
-Shield Individual: Rm
Universal Spells:
-Animation: Rm
-Bands: Ex
-Charm: In
Conjure: In
-Eldrich Bolts: Rm
-Enchantment-others: He can enhance up to 3 abilites or Powers to Rm levels.
-Fear: Ex
-Illusion: In
-Matter Rearrangement: Rm
-Plant Control: Rm
-Teleportation: Am

Ebony Dagger: Un matterial, Gd Edge, Un energy reflection.
Sword: Rm material, Ex Edge
Body Armor: Ex protection against Physical and ENergy

Talents: Knives, Swords, Thrown Weapons, Riding (horses), Occult Lore, Arthurian History

Contacts: Morgan Le Faye