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F) Un100
A) Mn75
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Gd10
I) Am50
P) In40

Health: 375 Karma: 100
Resources: Un Pop: -50

Known Powers:
Power Cosmic: Morg has the ability to channel and manipulate vast amounts of cosmic power, with Un ability and line-of-sight range. He uses this Power Cosmic to perform the following stunts:
-Power Blasts: Sh-X Force or Energy
-Increase Strength: Sh-X for 1-10 rounds
-Healing: up to Un damage
-Energy Detection: Un perceive any energy source within a planetary radius is on a planet's surface, or within a stellar system if in space.
-Flight: CL5000
-Life Support: Morg does not need to eat, drink or breathe.
-Invulnerability: CL1000 vs. Heat and Cold
-Body Armor: Un

Cosmic Axe: Cl1000 material strength
-Morg can channel his powers through the axe, raising his Power Blast to Sh-Y
-Disintegration: Un damage is limited to the line of the axe's passage and the area above that line (away from the pull of gravity).
Force Field: Mn
Forearm Guards: Un material strength, razor tipped

Talents: Weapons Specialist: Cosmic Axe, Martial Arts B, Astronavigation

Contacts: Galactus