Craig Hollis
F) Ex20
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Pr4
Health: 100 Karma: 16
Resources: Ty Pop: 5/10 in Great Lakes area
Known Powers:
Immortality: Although Mr. Immortal can be killed through normal means, he always returns to life within 1-10 rounds at full Health. Because he is condemed to be the last living being in the current universe, not even disintegrating him and scattering his atoms across space would permantly slay him. He is... and always will be... Immortal. During the time of his 'death,' Mr. Immortal has no bodily life signs and truly is dead for all practical purposes.
-Berserker: At first, Mister Immortal's deaths would drive him temporarily insane. At these times, only Dinah Soar could calm him down. Now that Dinah is dead, Mister Immortal has had to get along without her help. He has somewhat stablized, and doesn't seem to go berzerk quite so often. Still, for the first 1-10 rounds after one of his "resurrections" he usually hurls himself back into combat with no thought of his own safety. He must make a Psyche FEAT roll to resist the urge to do this.
Spirit Sight: Rm ability to see the spirits of the dead, as well as spiritual beings like Deathurge.
Vulnerable to Mental Attacks: Though better adjusted than he's been in years, Craig Hollis is still vulnerable to mental attacks that cause fear or madness. This is shown in his terrible Psyche score.
Addiction to Alcohol: Craig also has a drinking problem, and (quite understandably) suffers from bouts of depression.
Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Acrobatics, Tumbling
Contacts: Great Lakes X-Men