F) Am50
A) Am50
S) Am50
E) Sh-X150
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Gd10
Health: 300 Karma: 70
Resources: In Pop: 10
Known Powers:
Robotic Construction: Immunity to Poison, Gas and Mental
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Energy attacks.
-Force Field Generation: In protection
-Hypersensitive Senses: CL1000 sight, hearing, and radio links. Sensory attacks do not inflict additional damage.
-Mutant Detection: CL1000
-Neural Manipulation: On touch, stun with Am ability for 1-10 turns if the target fails an End. FEAT
-Power Negation: Negate all mental or psionic powers within 1 area with Mn ability. Those of lesser power ability must make a Psyche FEAT to use their powers.
-Self-Repair: Gd, providing that 10% of Health is intact. Regains 10 points each half hour. While under repair, all other abilities are - 2CS.
-Teleportation: In, 5 mile range
-Shape-Change: Am, Nimrod can shapechange himself to appear human. It is unknown if he can mimic specific forms.
Weapons System: Nimrod is capable of using the following weapons:
-Disintegrator: In, 1 area
-Energy Beam: Mn Energy, 4 areas, Specific energies manipulated include Radiation, Light, Laser, Magnetism and Heat
-Tractor Beam: Mn telekinetic power to repel or attract a target.
-Shockweb: Rm Energy Field, with equivalent of Am material and Rm Stunning ability. Can be created up to 2 areas away.
Talents: None
Contacts: None