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Frankie Raye

F) Am50
A) Un100
S) Am50
E) Un100
R) Gd10
I) Am50
P) Am50

Health: 300 Karma: 110
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Fire Generation: Sh-X rank, by making an Endurance FEAT, she can increase it to Sh-Z temporarily.
Fire Control: Am
Energy Sheath: Un intesity flames suround her which give her Un body armor from Physical and Energy attacks and CL1000 resistance vs. heat and cold. Materials of less than Am material melt upon contact.
True Flight: CL1000
Gateway: CL5000 spacewarps
Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space

Talents: Astro-Navigation

Contacts: Galactus, Silver Surfer