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Typical Phalanx Scientist

Typical Phalanx Scientist

F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 100 Karma: 40
Resources: Fe Pop: 3

Known Powers:
Shape-Changing: The typical Phalanx has a techno-organic body, which is a mutable form, allowing them the following power stunts:
-Reshape into functioning machines up to Mn level.
-Equip its machine selves with up to In Energy or Force rays.
-Mn ability to assume organic appearance, Am ability mimicking specific humans.
-Create sensors.
Body Armor: Ex, If he receives more than 40 damage from a single attack, a member of the Phalanx loses control over his form, taking on a splatered look.
Conversion: Able to regain lost health by converting living, organic objects to a crystalline matrix. They gain health equal to the targets health or material strength. They do this with Mn ability and the target can attempt an Endurance FEAT to avoid. The Phalanx must make flesh to flesh contact for this power to work.
Extra Arms: Phalanx Scientists have two sets of arms, which allows them to make 2 extra attacks in a round


Talents: Genetics, Biology, Engineering

Contacts: Phalanx