Monica Rambeau
F) Ex20
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10
Health: 90 Karma: 30
Resources: Ex Pop: 20
Known Powers:
True Flight: Un
Lightning Speed: Sh-X, 5 areas/round
Energy Blasts: Mn Force or Energy
Force Field: Mn protection. The force field can be personal or made up to 1 area across.
Energy Transformation: Monica can transform her entire body into any form of energy that comprises the electro-magnetic spectrum including visible light, cosmic radiation, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, neutrinos, and microwaves and radio waves, She may perform a number of Power stunts at up to Un ability with these transformations, including:
-Light: Un intensity
-lnvisibility: Un
-Projection of intangible illusions of herself
-Transmitting radio messages without a set
-Overloading sensor devices with Un ability
-Passing through objects as X-rays with Un ability (may be blocked by force fields)
-While in energy form Monica may not be harmed by physical attacks, but may be hurt by magical attacks, psionic attacks, and energy attacks of the same type as her current energy state, She may shift energy states at will.
-Flight: While in her energy state, Monica can travel at CL3000 (near light) speeds, She may move up to 50 areas in a round, but attacking still takes a round.
Talents: Leadership, Law Enforcement, Marksmanship, Sailing, Martial Arts A, B, E, Multi-Lingual: (English, French, Porteguese)
Contacts: Avengers