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The Prowler

The Prowler

Hobie Brown

F) Rm30/Gd10
A) Rm30/Gd10
S) Ex20/Gd10
E) In40/Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 120/50 Karma: 40
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
All of the Prowler's powers are derived from his battlesuit.

Spider-Armor MK IV: After Spider-Man convinced Hobie to impersonate him on a regular basis, he gave him a personalized version of the Spider-Armor MK IV. The armor gives him the following:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical, Energy, Fire, Heat and Sonics
-Lenses: The lenses of the Spider-Armor provide Spider-Man with the following:
--Heads Up Display: It allows Spider-Man to monitor various functions of the suit and his opponents with Am ability
--Infrared Vision: Am
-Built-In Webware: Through the use of a modified version of a built-in-webware on it's left forearm, the suit is capable of the following:
--Shape-Changing: In ability to change the suit's appearance. He changes between the Prowler look and Spider-Man for appearance
--Holographic Projection: Am
--Embedded Spider-Tracer: Am ability to locate the location of Peter's personal webware.
-Built-In Web-Shooters: Shoots up to 7 areas, In material strength in round it was fired. Mn in next round. Used for transportation (3 areas a round) and restraining. Each Web-Shooter holds 10 Web-Cartridges. Each Web-Cartridge has approximately 100 uses until it runs empty. The following can made with his web:
--Web Shield: Mn
--Web Parachute
--Web Hand-Glider: Ty air speed
--Web Missile: Ex blunt attack at 3 areas
--Blinding: Am, once the web is removed, the victim is able to see again.
--Web Slingshot: Able to launch himself over great distances. 1 round to make the slingshot and "prep himself for launch", launch himself up to 10 areas the next round.
--Additional Web-Shooter Cartridges: Spider-Man now carries a vast array of different webbing to help him. Spider-Man is able to control and change the cartridges on his Web-Shooters through vocal commands. He has used the following:
---Acid Webbing: Found in Cartridge Three, Rm Corrosive
---Sonic Disruptors: Found in Cartridge Four, the Web-Shooters eject condensed sound frequencies in the direction of it's intended target, dealing Am Sonic
---Bug Zapper: Found in Cartridge Six, these micro-coiled Z-metal gives targets Ex Electrical damage, it also disrupt electronic devices
---Quick-Drying Web-Cement: Found in Cartridge Seven, dries instantly in contact with any surface at Mn material, and is capable of stabilizing weak structures
---Expanding Web-Foam: Found in Cartridge Eight, Create fall cushions that absorb up to In damage
-Glider Cape: In material, The Prowler can glide up to 3 areas or break any falls
-Boots: Able to jump down from heights of upto 50 feet without sustaining any damage, provided he lands on his feet.
-Claws: In material, Rm Edge
-Wall-Crawling: Rm

Talents: Lockpicking, Thief, Engineering, Electronics, Pneumatics, Martial Arts B

Contacts: Spider-Man, Parker Industries