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Red Goblin

The Green Goblin

Norman Osborn

F) In40/Rm30
A) In40/Rm30
S) Mn75/Am50
E) Mn75/In40
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 230/150 Karma: 50
Resources: Rm Pop: -15

Known Powers:
Regeneration: Am, 50 points/round
Goblin Formula-Enhanced Carnage Symbiote: After drinking the Goblin Formula again since managing to eject the nanites nullifying its effect, and bonding with the Carnage symbiote, which covers his body in red and black biomass. Red Goblin and the Carnage Symbiote must be attacked separately. When you try to attack them, you're -6cs to attack. It has Rm resistance against attacks and has 30 health. The Carnage Symbiote can regenerate 6 points of health a round. When the Symbiote fall to 0 health, it is knocked unconscious for 1-10 rounds. An offspring of Venom's Symbiote, the Symbiote itself has the same abilities as Venom's Symbiote. The powers granted to Red Goblin are somewhat different:
-Symbiote Tendrils: Am, it can stick to In strength material. When it is disconnected for the symbiote, it disolves in 5-50 minutes. It can be used to entangle or transportation(3 areas/round)
-Claws: Ex edged damage
-Spider-Sense immunity: Can block Spider-Man's Spider-Sense
-Body Armor: Ty vs. blunt attacks
-Object Creation: Red Goblin can create small weapons from his Symbiote's substance that disintegrate 1-6 rounds after creation. The damage is weapon-specific.
-Elongation: Ex
-Symbiotic Expansion and Psychic Control: Osborn has been shown to be capable of expanding his symbiote's mass by feeding it nutrients and mass from, for example, in a form of his Pumpkin Bombs with AM ability

Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Force, Rm protection from Energy
Electro-Shock Gloves: Rm Energy, 3 areas
Pumpkin Bombs: Rm Energy, and may explode on contact, or by twisting the stem, can be set to explode up to 2 rounds after being thrown.
Goblin Grenades (Asphyxiation Bombs): The Goblin Grenades may contain the following types of gas:
-Plain Smoke: In intensity
-Knock-Out Gas: In intensity
-Incendiary: In intensity
-Spider-Sense Clouding: Knocks out Spider-Man's Spider-Sense at Pr rank for 24 hours. (The gas can be used on it's own, and can also be used in a regular pumpkin bomb. The gas knocking out other people's danger sense is up to the individual judge who can make their own ruling.)
Razor Bats: Gd Thrown Edge, Multiple blades can be thrown, but at a -1cs for each additional blade thrown that round.

Goblin Glider:
-Control: Am
-Speed: Gd airspeed
-Body: Rm
-Protection: Gd
Goblin Glider's Weapons Systems:
-Pike: Ex Edge, but can increase with a flying charging attack.

Talents: Business, Electronics, Chemistry, Throwing Weapons

Contacts: Brotherhood of Sciers, Underworld, Businesses, OsCorp Industries

Norman Osborn