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Red Ronin

Red Ronin

Dr Earl Cowan

F) Ex20
A) Ty6
S) Am50
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Ty6
P) Pr4

Health: 176 Karma: 40
Resources: Rm Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Robotic Body: The Red Ronin automation is a huge robot. It stands over 100 fet tall making it +3CS to hit. The robot is controlled cybernetically and possesses the mental statistics of its operator. The user sits in a control cabin within the head and mentally directs the robot's actions. Access to Red Ronin is by hatches in the feet or an emergency hatch in the rear of it's head.
Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
Solar Blade: Mn Energy, it has no range however does extend out 3 areas.
Shield: The shield, as well as performing the above can generate a magnetic field giving him Rm protection vs. Energy. It can also be thrown upto 2 areas away and can inflict Mn Thrown blunt damage.
-Gatling Laser: Red Ronin can use his shield to project laser beams capable of Am Energy to a range of upto 10 areas.
Power Blaster: His left gauntlet is capable of firing an electron beam doing In Energy.
Movement: Ty land speed or fly at Ex airspeed.


Talents: Electronics, Physics, Computers

Contacts: None