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F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 195 Karma: 50
Resources: Fe Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Skrull Physiology: Rl'nnd is a new version of the Super-Skrull Program. His very body gives him the following abilities:
-Shape-Shifting: Un ability to assume any humanoid shape. As long as the shape this Skrull has chosen is maintained, it cannot be detected
X-Men Powers: This Skrull has been given the DNA of the members of the X-Men, which include the following:
-Organic Steel: This gives the Skrull Am protection vs. Physical and Energtt, Mn resistance to Heat and Cold, Ex resistance vs. Corrosives, Rm resistance vs. Electrical.
-Teleportation: Am ability to teleport 3 miles. When teleporting, the Skrull produces a loud “BAMF” and smells of sulfur.
-Prehensile Tail: May use his tail as an additional arm, attacking a foe with Gd Fighting in addition to other attacks.
-Optic Blasts: Am Force, 10 areas
-Claws: Mn material, up to Am Edge


Talents: Martial Arts B, E, Skrull Technology, Detective/Espionage, Astro-Navigation, Pilot, Survival

Contacts: Skrull Empire