Screaming Mimi
Mimi Schwartz
F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health: 100 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: -5
Known Powers:
Sound Generation: In ability to generate a scream that allows her to perform the following power stunts:
-Hypersonic Scream: In Sonic, 4 areas
-In sonic damage to all in her area.
-Rm stunning, Endurance FEAT or lose consciousness for 1-10 rounds, this atack affects 1 entire area up to 4 areas away.
-Holographic Illusions: Ex, cause Gd damage
Talents: Wrestling
Contacts: Angar the Screamer, Masters of Evil