Sister Dream
F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Am50
Health: 28 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: -6
Known Powers:
Hypnotic Gaze: In ability to create illusions or phantom images directed at one person, provided would-be victim looks at her. If Sister Dream makes a FEAT roll, she catches her intended victim with her hypnotic gaze. The target must make a Red FEAT roll to escape the illusion she creates for them. Targets who have Rm Psyche need to make a Yellow FEAT roll; those with In or Am Psyche need to make a Green FEAT roll. People whose Psyche are Mn or better cannot be duped by Sister Dream's gaze. Victims who fail their FEAT roll cannot take any action and nearby villains get a free attack against them. If someone takes damage while under Sister Dream's power, the pain will bring them back to reality.
Limited Mind-Scanning: Sister Dream can freely scan the surface thought of anyone with Rm or lower Psyche. She must make a Red FEAT roll to scan the thoughts of someone with a better than Rm Psyche. Any target whose thoughts have been scanned by Sister Dream receives a -1cs to any attempt to resist her Hypnotic Gaze.
Talents: Crime
Contacts: Sisters of Sin