Sister Pleasure
F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) In40
Health: 28 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Mesmerism: In, if Sister Pleasure makes a FEAT roll, her beauty mesmerizes her target. If her target is male, he must make a Red Psyche FEAT to tear himself from her charms. Men who have In Psyche needs only make a Yellow FEAT to escape her mesmerizing. Likewise, a man with Am or better Psyche only has to make a Green FEAT. Pleasure's power has no affect on females, unless she makes a Red FEAT roll in which case the female target would be envious of her beauty and unable to act that combat round.
Pleasure's Kiss: Sister Pleasure's kiss does Rm damage to a male she has managed to mesmerize.
Talents: Crime
Contacts: Sisters of Sin