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F) Am50
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 240 Karma: 110
Resources: In Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Inheritor Physiology: Solus' primary power is the ability to absorb the life force energy of other living creatures, thereby granting himself superhuman physical abilities. Even though Solus can absorb the energies of virtually any being, he must occasionally renew himself by feeding upon pure forms of animal-related superbeings from one of the four categories that make up his own, unusually pure, DNA such as animal, insect, human, and bird.
-Bio-Vampirism: Solus drains health and increases his own Strength, Endurance, Psyche, and power ranks.
-Strength Absorption: Solus can drain the physical Strength energy of others within the same area equal to Am. This is done by a Power FEAT against the target's Strength. If Solus makes the FEAT, he absorbs an equal number of points in Strength, and adds them to his Strength. The victim's Strength lost is only temporarily while the PC has drained it, and this weakens the victim to a lesser Power rank. Solus can drain the Strength as long as he makes his Power FEAT. If the target's strength reaches 0, then that person is disabled, and cannot perform any action until they gain their Strength back. Strength comes back at a rate equal to the Original Strength rank / 10 per round. Neither the victim’s nor the PC's Health changes when this Power is in effect.
-Tracking: Once Solus has touched a victim, he is able to track that victim with CL1000 ability unless that victim is dead.
-Invulnerability: Solus has body armor that gives Mn protection against Physical and Energy, Toxins, Corrosives, Cold, Heat, and Gasses, but none against Psionic attacks.
-Super-Speed: Sh-X land speed
--Extra attacks with Sh-X ability or multiple attacks that inflict up to Am damage, ignoring body armor (only one to hit roll is made).
-Leaping: Am
-Wall-Crawling: Gd
-Immortality: Solus is functionally immortal in the sense that he is immune to the effects of aging and all known diseases. He can "resurrect" by being cloned in Jennix' stronghold on Earth-802


Vulnerable to Radiation: Solus and the Inheritors are extremely sensitive to radiation. Radiation is +2cs to Solus
Lack of consuming Totemic Life: Solus must consume totemic life forces often, so he may survive and stay young.

Talents: Leadership, Martial Arts A, B, C, Tracking

Contacts: The Inheritors