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Spider-Man with the Uni-Power

Spider-Man with the Uni-Power

Peter Parker

F) Rm30
A) Mn75
S) Sh-Z500
E) Sh-Z500
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Un100

Health: 1105 Karma: 130
Resources: Ty Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Spider-Sense: Am, a "buzzing" in his head alerts Spider-Man of potential danger. Spider-Man cannot be blindsided, and he may make defensive actions if he makes a successful power FEAT. Intuition in combat is equal to this power rank. If the sense has been nullified, his Intuition is as listed and all Agility FEATs are at -1cs.
Wall-Crawling: Am
Leaping: Am, up to 3 areas
Balance: Spider-Man�s balance allows him to walk a tightrope automatically and a slack with an Agility FEAT. His sense of balance helps him fall up to 3 stories (30 feet) without receiving damage, provided he lands on his feet (Agility FEAT). He can prevent damage from a longer fall by grabbing and swinging off protrusions in the fall�s path every 3 stories (flagpole, lampposts, etc.) or using his Web-Shooters, as long as he keeps making Agility FEATs
Uni-Force: Spider-Man has all his usual powers with the following additions:
-Body Resistance: Un
-Kinetic Bolt: Un Force, 10 areas
-Penetration Vision: Un with a 10 area range
-Telescopic Vision: Un
-Molding/Animate/Molecular Conversion: Un ability, but he must be touching the objects that he affects with this power.
-Enhanced Spider-Sense: His Spider-Sense has been enhanced to Un rank and now includes super hearing. In combat, his Spider-Sense sometimes threatens to overload his senses and distract him. Every round this Spider Sense is activated, Spider-Man must make a successful Reason FEAT roll to avoid his having his Intuition fall to Ty for that round.
-Plasma Bolt: Un Energy, 10 areas
-Flight: Rm airspeed (15 areas per round)
-Light Flash: Rm intensity with a 2-area range

Web-Shooters: In material web in the round it was fired. It hardens to Mn in the next round. This webbing is used for transportation (3 areas per round) and restraining opponents. He also can create the following:
-Web Shield: Mn
-Web Parachute
-Web Hang Glider: Ty airspeed
-Blinding: Am, once the web is removed, the victim is able to see again.
-Web Missiles: Ex Blunt at 3 areas
Utility Belt: Spider-Man wears a Utility Belt underneath his costume, he uses this to carry the following:
-Spider-Signal: Gd illumination
-Extra Web Cartridges: Switches these into his Web-Shooters when he's out of webbing
-Camera: Gd material, uses to take pick for the Daily Bugle
Spider-Tracer: Attuned to his Spider-Sense he can track these with Am ability up to 1 mile

Talents: Chemistry, Physics, Photography, Computers

Contacts: Mar Jane Parker, May Parker, Daily Bugle, Daredevil, Human Torch, Fantastic Four, Avengers